Acharya Prafulla Chandra College

Govt. Sponsored | NAAC Accredited A Grade College (2nd Cycle)
Affiliated to West Bengal State University
ISO Certified : 14001:2015, 50001:2018, 9001:2015

Acharya Prafulla Chandra College (APC College)

Medicinal Plants

We establish a medicinal plant garden at college premises which provide the knowledge of medicinal value for exact identification of the species specified for particular disease.

Our college has a cross-section of students where students from both urban and rural backgrounds are enrolled. Medicinal Plants is an apt item for generating awareness and consciousness to both the stake holders. Medicinal Plants in this college generate an awareness where the students get acquainted with the identity and usages of the medicinal plants which they come across within their own locality. The list of these plants along with their scientific name and usages are displayed in a catalogue in front of this garden. The college has a well stacked collection of medicinal plants kept and maintained in a decorated plot of land. A list of the medicinal herbs which have been planted so far is given below.

Sl. No. Name of the medicinal plants Medicinal value and use
1 Andrographis peniculata (kal megh) Chronic fever, liver disorder, worm repellent
2 Ocimum santum (tulsi) Respiratory disorder, lung disorder, fever, common cold.
3 Centella  asiatica (thankuni) Diarrhoea, dysentery, healing property
4 Herpestis monnieria(brahmi) Nerve tonic, memory enhancer
5 Rauvolfia serpentine (sarpagandha) Hypertension, high blood pressure.
6 Adhatoda vasica (vasak) Bronchial disease, cough,
7 Strychnos nux-vomica (nux-vomica) Disease of stomach, intestine, nervous disorder
8 Holarrhena  antidysentrica (kurchi) Dysentery, diarrhoea, fever, diabetes, malaria.
9 Swertia chirata (chiretta) Removal of intestinal worm, cancer, fever.
10 Carcuma longa (Halud) Liver disease, digestive disorder, atherosclerosis, female disease, cancer
11 Terminalaia arjuna (Arjun) Dysentery, Earache, cardiac tonic
12 Vitex  negundo (nishinda) Skin disease, Eczema, ringworm, liver disorder spleen enlargement.
13 Azadirachta indica (neem) Leucodarma, piles, wounds, all types of inflammation, skin disease, toothache,
14 Saraca asoc a(Ashoke) Dysmenorrhoea, Depression, leucorrhoea
15 Aegle marmelos (bel) Dyspepsia, sinusitis, piles, oedema, jaundice, gastro intestinal disease.
16 Boerhaavia repens (Punarnava) Purifying blood & gastric juice, joint pain, detoxified liver.
17 Aloe vera (ghritokumari) Joint pain, skin problem, liver problem, constipation, boost immunity
18 Alostonia scholaris (Chatim) Skin disease, intestinal worm repellent,
19 Hemidesmus indicus (Anantamul) Skin disease, oligospermia, anorexia, gastritis, menorrhagia
20 Calotropis procera (Akanda) Cough, asthma, dysentery fever
21 Wedelia calendula (Bhringaraj) Hair fall treatment, anti oxidant, skin disease
22 Cissus quadrangular (Harjora) Heal to broken bone & ligament,
23 Dalbergia sissoo (Sisu) Bark is antipyretic, expectorant
24 Nerium oleander (kararbi) Swelling, skin disease, leprosy
25 Ayapana triplinervis (ayapan) Laxative, haemorrhage, ulcer, cut
26 Psidium guajava (Peyara) Laxative, diarrhea, ulcer
27 Mimusops elengi (Bakul) Bleeding of  gum, dental caries, pyorrhea, astringent, cooling property
28 Terminalia bellirica (Bahera) Throat& eye disease, indigestion, cold & cough
29 Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) Arthritis, anxiety, insomnia, T.B., menstrual problem
30 Cymbopogon citrates (lemon grass) High blood pressure, vomiting, fever, skin disease
31 Zingiber officinale (Ginger) Blood circulation problem, indigestion, vomiting
32 Lawsonia inermis (Henna) Skin disease, anti hemorrhagic, leprosy
33 Allium sativum (Garlic) Healing property, T.B, High blood pressure, hypertension
34 Butea monosperma (Palash) Anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-tumor, diuretic,
35 Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) Laxative, digestive, purgative, healing property.
36 Cajanus cajan (Arhar) Piles, vomiting, ulcer of mouth,
37 Glycyrrhiza glabra (Yasthimadhu) Root used in cough, chronic bronchitis, sore throat, asthma,
38 Paederia foetida (Gadalpata) Flatulence, urinary bladder stone, urinary retention, rheumatism
39 Nyctanthes arbortristis (sheuli Sciatica arthritis, fever, dry cough ringworm,
40 Artemisia annua (yu yu) Anti malaria
41 Crotalaria spectabilis (Otosi) Pulmonary disease, hypertension
42 Cassia fistula (Amaltas) Leprosy, ringworm, fever, digestive problem, laxative
43 Courouptia guianensis (Nagkeshar) Hypertension, pain, inflammation, cold, stomach ache, antimicrobial
44 Moringa oleifera (Sojne) Breast cancer, used in malnutrition, diabete
45 Vinca  rosea (Nayantara) Diabetes, malaria, leucomia
46 Morinda citrifolia (noni) Treat HIV-AIDS, Liver disease, smallpox, cancer, ulcer
47 Carica papaya (Pepe) Diuretic, vermifigue, carminative stomachic
48 Callistemon lanceolatus (Bottle brush) Leaves-carminative, dysentery & rheumatism
49 Datura metel (Dhatura) Skin disease, asthma
50 Michelia champaca (champa) Seed & fruit-healing crack in feet, dyspepsia, nausea, renal disease
51 Clerodendrum indicun (bamanhati) Allergy, asthma, fever
52 Tinospora crispa (gulancha) Dyspepsia, fever, urinary disease